Friday, 12 October 2012

Using Your Iphone The Way It Was Meant To Be Used

People of all ages and backgrounds have found the iphone to be the greatest invention since electricity. Why are so many people crazy over the iphone? The following paragraphs have the answer to that query, and will also provide you the iphone tricks you might have never discovered otherwise.

Check out your Weather app if you are trying to find a weather report that shows hourly forecasts. Most people do not realize that all you have to do is open this app and you can see a breakdown of the weather for a twelve hour period. Siri will also relay the hourly weather breakdown for you, too.

Tapping the space bar twice can add a period to your sentence. That will put a period and one space into your text. This prevents you from having to move to the "123" keyboard and can save some time too.

If you get your iphone wet, simply use rice in order to dry it out. If your iphone lands in the toilet or you get it wet, this can help to save your device. Don't risk damaging the phone by using a blow dryer. Instead, use a soft cloth to wipe off the phone, then place it in a rice-filled ziploc bag. This should dry out the phone, usually after a few hours or by waiting until the following morning.

Your phone allow you instantly access to both your iPod and your favorites. Simply navigate to "Settings," choose "General," and then click the home button. Customizing starts by figuring out which things you'd like to change. As long as you stick to these steps, this is pretty easy to do!

If you need to hide your phone number from a person that you are calling, there is a setting for that. To use this feature turn off the Caller ID under settings. This is just one of the many easy and unique features available on the iphone.

When using Safari, make calls with a single tap. For example, you may need a dry cleaner, so you begin searching the Internet for one located near you. While on the Internet, find the number and your phone can call it. Instead, simply press your finger onto the number you want to call and you'll be connected instantly.

Many iphone users will spent a lot of time surfing the web and reading mail, but they do not know how to save the images they find or are sent. Simply touch the picture and hold for a couple seconds. You will see a box with options for the image.

Sync your phone with the time management systems you use on your computer. That will help you view things on your phone, rather than having to go to your computer. Make sure you regularly synch them so you don't forget any important events in your life.

As an iphone owner, be sure to utilize all of the phone's multimedia capabilities. Your iphone can become an entertainment hub just by downloading TV episode or online clips that you love.

Are you constantly reaching for your phone, only to realize that it is the person next to you with the same alert tone? If you follow this simple procedure, you can customize your personal alert tones. Go to Sounds under the Settings section. You'll find that you can customize each different alert individually. Next select the Buy More option.

Did you know you can use the headphone cord to snap a photo? Begin by framing the photo. Once you're ready to take the picture, press the button that's on the cord. This is how you snap the photo. You can save your picture by following the usual steps.

Don't waste any time keying in ".com" (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you're browsing the Internet on your iphone. You simply need to put in the main part of the address and the browser will take you to the correct site. It might seem like a small feature, though if you use the internet a lot on your phone, this will save a significant amount of time and battery usage.

You should be using your iphone to share and send photos to your family and friends. Two options are available to achieve this. One way is to save an image as part of an attachment and send it via email. Another way is uploading it to Facebook using the Facebook app.

There is a simple way to reduce the amount of time you spend typing on your iphone. Go to the settings menu, then general area, and select the keyboard. Finish by adding a new shortcut. This way you can take the most common long strings of words you use and program them in ahead of time. For example, you could type "omwh" for "on my way home" so you save yourself from having to constantly type out the phrase.

There are a lot of multimedia capabilities that you can use when you are playing with your iphone. Your iphone can become your primary source of entertainment when you download TV programs and clips to it.

Make sure to regularly update your firmware. Not only will it keep your system current and functional, it may also improve your battery life through improvements. By putting iTunes on your computer and linking your phone to it, you can bring your firmware up to date. If you have an Apple computer to go with your iphone, you can of course simply link them together with iCloud.

A case is one of the first accessories you should purchase, especially if you are accident-prone. A lot of people drop their iphones and crack their screens. Having an iphone case will protect your phone if you accidentally drop it.

Save a draft of your mail message by hitting cancel, should you wish to work on it later. This will bring up the option to save, cancel or delete the current message. Your message will be dropped into the Drafts folder if you hit "Save." If there is no Drafts folder set up, it will automatically be created when you click Save.

The iphone has a great option for those who need a bigger keyboard to type. There is no need to purchase a larger keyboard. Just tap Safari's address bar while you hold your iphone sideways; you'll instantly see a big difference! Your keyboard is larger and easier to use for fast and efficient typing.

If you use Find My iphone, you never need to fear losing your iphone again. But, it is a service that you must register for beforehand. You can use the app to trigger a loud alarm on your phone, making it easy to locate a device that has slipped into the couch cushions or is buried under a pile of magazines. You can simply delete or lock any information on the phone if you think it has been stolen.

The iphone can help you organize daily tasks and many other useful things. Simply apply this article's tips and you'll see the full potential of your iphone.

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